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A-TEC PMM-6 9mm

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A-TEC PMM-6, cal. 9 mm

The A-TEC PMM series is a high performance, lightweight silencer for your pistol. Modulebased design makes it possible to add on or subract modules to influence weight/efficiency ratio.

A-TEC modular silencers for small arms are efficient silencers that work with the intended weapon. Made in two caliber groups, for 9mm and 45ACP weapons. The values given are for wet silencer, i.e. with a small amount of water (1-4 teaspoons) for the best tactical results. The dry silencer is 7-8 decibels louder. They come in several types of thread.

Do not use PMM-6 with non-jacketed bullets. Excess lead residue will reduce the effect and the silencers life span.

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